The wisdom of time management suggests being aware of how you share the gift of time. Remembering that there are 24 hours or 1440 minutes in every day, use the following table to schedule your time accordingly.
In Thanksgiving for our blessings, we are asked to give back to God not only with our time and talents, but also with our treasure. Each household is invited to give a faithful and generous share of the gifts God has entrusted to you.
God gave each of us unique talents. Please determine how you can share them. Choose a ministry you would like to get involved with and call our rectory for further details.
Council of Catholic Women
Lectio Divina Bible Study
Fall Festival Committee
Men's Club
Religious Education for Children
Eucharistic Ministers
Respect Life
Chinese Apostolate
Altar Servers
Annulment Advocates
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults